A Journey Towards Independence

Greg was in the middle of a successful professional career and had a healthy, sporting lifestyle when he suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on 25th June 2011, at 35 years of age. He went through several years of painstaking recovery from his disabilities, one of which is being paralysed down the left side of his body. Further to making slow but steady progress, after over two years of hospitalisation Greg reached a stage where he could walk independently, despite limitations in the mobility of his left leg and arm.

Greg has continued to make remarkable steps (pun intended), such that he has completed a 10KM run… slowly. 😀 Greg raised funds for a young girl with cerebral palsy named Leonie – they are an inspiration to each other. I have immense admiration for Greg’s resolute outlook – he uses his life story and positive attitude to inspire and motivate people.

  • Anecdotes from the clinical staff at the Hunters Moor rehabilitation unit
  • Interview with the ‘Healing Queen’ on her YouTube channel
  • Personal overview of his accident, and subsequent recovery stages

  • Charitable Efforts


    Greg walked up Snowdon in 2018 to raise money for the Spider Eddie Appeal for a girl who had a brain tumour. He raised over £3,000 to help pay for her treatment. It took Greg seven and a half hours in terrible weather and having to climb over boulders with the use of a crutch and unable to bend his left knee. See link 1, link 2 and link 3 for Greg’s Facebook posts about his Snowdon journey.

    School Talk

    Greg has done several talks about his accident and recovery to schools, universities, radio stations and social media platforms. All talks had the purpose of using his experience to either educate on being disabled or to give hope to people that are.

    Warwickshire Volunteer Award

    Greg received a special recognition award at the south Warwickshire volunteer awards for the movement group he setup at the Leamington Spa rehabilitation hospital. He designed an exercise program aimed at stroke victims and people with paralysis and also incorporated some exercises to improve hand and eye coordination and some relaxation techniques. This is extremely popular with the patients, and helps them both mentally and physically. Greg received an award for his efforts.

    Social Media Presences